A miniature model of the original Maxim Heavy Machine Gun.
Production year of original weapon: 1910
Original wapon origin country: USSR
Scale of miniature model: 1:4 of original size
You can
buy this miniature model as shown on pictures.
The 1941 modification.
Designed by American designer Hairem Maxim in 1883, this weapon was introduced into service in Russia as early as 1895. Russian designers introduced
numerous changes in the original design to make it lighter, failproof and mobile. Mounted upon a rest (designed by colonel Sokolov), it was fielded
with the Russian Army in 1910. This machine gun, as modified form time to time, was used in service with the Soviet Union until the end of WW II
(1939 — 1945). Mass production was carried out in Tula, Izhevsk and Zlatoust (Russia). A total of 55 258 “Maxims were manufactured
in the Izhevsk Armory as early as 1942. The weapon caused enormous casualties to the enemy forces during the war, e.g., senior sergeant I.V. Semipiatny,
a machine gunner of the 12th Motorized Infantry Brigade, killed 813 German soldiers and officers!